Stay strong & stay safe!

Hello from team Vivid!

We are closely monitoring the situation with Covid-19 and are taking our lead from official sources and we have agreed here that it is possible for us to be both safe and open for business during these difficult times.

Therefore our office continues to be open and at full capacity; our team is both ‘in office’ and ‘remote’.  Be assured we are still offering our exceptional levels of creativity, service and results.

It is vital we all act responsibly for the wider community and make sure everything we do ensures the impact of Covid-19 is minimised. In addition to meeting all of our clients’ needs, we have therefore actioned the following:

  • Creation of a new and simple digital marketing offer to help you sustain and boost your business online as part of our wider offer
  • Our SMT are meeting daily to manage business priorities (in some cases remotely of course)
  • We are postponing all non-essential meetings including face-to-face; instead, promoting video conferencing and online comms
  • The Senior Management team is having daily meetings to monitor the situation.

In short, we’re here for the long haul; although it’s very difficult for all of our families and friends now, we’re confident there are better times ahead and we want to reach them with you. If there’s anything we can do to help you and/or your business today or tomorrow, just call or email us: 01142 212121 or [email protected]

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